What do Google’s latest changes mean for your website?

Home » News » What do Google’s latest changes mean for your website?
Phil Bennett

Phil Bennett

Web Team Lead

Published Monday 16th March 2015

mobile marketing
Web design + Website design and app development + Mobile responsive + Web development

Are you ready?

The mobile Internet is no longer something you can ignore. With the number of Internet devices averaging 4.8 per person in the UK, multi-device browsing is here to stay.

It’s already affecting your business, and it’s about to impact it even more as from 21 April Google will penalise websites that aren’t mobile friendly. This means it will list them below similar, mobile-friendly websites. 

Google has provided a handy testing tool to let you check how mobile-friendly your site is. If this tool gives you the green light, then you’re all set for the changes on 21 April. If you’re not, it’s likely you will see a drop in the traffic you receive from Google.

Try out the tool here: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/

If your website isn’t quite where it should be, don’t panic! Carswell Gould is well placed to assist you in getting your web presence back up to scratch. All projects delivered by us are fully responsive, and care is taken to make sure your users’ experience is perfect – no matter what device they’re using.

If you have any concerns or questions about the changes to Google, just drop me an email at [email protected] and we can see how we can assist you. 

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