UTC students receive a lesson in marketing from Carswell Gould

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How do you find that one inspired idea for a marketing campaign? What are the different elements involved in creating a marketing plan? What communications strategies and tactics should be used?

These were all questions posed by students of South Wiltshire UTC, the brand new university technical college, when they visited Carswell Gould.

The group of students, studying marketing as part of their English course, dropped in to hear a masterclass in marketing from Carswell Gould designer, Daniel Evans.

The aim of the lesson was to get students thinking about what’s needed to create a marketing campaign, in order to be able to produce one of their own in the future.

Daniel provided an understanding of the following ingredients that are key to Carswell Gould’s marketing mix:

·      Idea generation

·      Working to brand guidelines

·      Key messaging

·      Artwork across mixed media

·      The evolution of a campaign

Jayne Wade, head of English at South Wiltshire UTC said: “It was a fantastic insight in to how a marketing agency works and learning about different projects from start to finish.

“We want to get students learning about important marketing elements such as graphology and textual analysis and Dan did a great job in presenting how Carswell Gould do just that.”

Daniel took students through two of Carswell Gould’s previous advertising campaigns: Hampshire Culture Trust’s award winning Dinofest and South Wiltshire UTC’s very own marketing since the technical college opened.

The lesson proved to be an invaluable one for student, Keesha Braignall-Roe:

“The presentation contained lots of very useful information about branding and logos. I know I will use what I’ve learned today in my class work.”

After the lesson Dan commented: "It was great to meet the South Wiltshire UTC students today and give them an overview of an integrated marketing campaign.

“Here at Carswell Gould, we strategically plan and manage our clients' projects to ensure we are always successful and they achieve their unique goals. I think we may even have some future marketers on our hands." 

If you’d like to know more about Carswell Gould’s lessons in marketing, please get in touch today.

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