These quickly provide users with the information they seek. Scanning the code transports consumers to a website or app which engages them, produces analytical data and can sell products or services.
Quick Response Codes (QR Codes) are the key to the instant access of relevant information. Now, the consumer can find exactly what they want quicker than ever before, making their digital experience pleasurable and more likely to be repeated.
Due to QR codes being read by smartphones, they’re not hindered by location or time. Instead of having to get to a computer or laptop to trawl through an army of websites, the user can scan the code and be directed to the website they seek in a matter of seconds. This in turn increases the interaction between the company and the consumer and even provides analytical data, such as tracking how many people have scanned your code.
Even the mere presence of a QR code is a great call to action; if you want to know where the QR code takes you, there is no choice but to scan it. The mystery engages the consumer and makes them want to know more.
QR codes are also a cheaper option. Gone are the days where leaflets and brochures were the only way to give the consumer a lot of information without paying to print pages of content that would most likely be skim read. Consumers are able to seek the information themselves – and they can’t throw it in the bin once they’ve found it.
The sheer versatility of QR codes is changing the way companies promote themselves and is somewhat guiding traditional media such as posters and billboards into the digital age. In 2010 the use of QR codes increased 1600%, in order to reach the millions of smartphone users today. There’s no cost for a basic QR code, and virtually no limit in terms of how much information they can contain. QR codes are becoming an unstoppable force and the future of marketing as we know it.
Contact us now to use QR codes in your next communications.
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