Proud to be a Founder Champion

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She was delighted to see that Carswell Gould is so proud of being a Founder Champion, that Gill and Ed Gould have led by example and integrated the City Champion branding into all their communications.

Ed Gould commented, “I believe that as a founder champion it's our duty to step up and represent the city and Business Southampton in anyway we can. We are proud of our close association with the organisation and all the work we have done to help set them up and get them going. As such, we are very happy to help promote them via our own marketing spend as well as in our day-to-day operations. I would urge every City Champion to make the most of their associate and reap the mutual rewards of doing what we have done.”

If you support Business Southampton or any organisation or group you must make sure you get the most from the relationship. If you want to find out more about what we do we would be happy to tell you - just drop us a line.

Do you need help promoting your business? Or, have a marketing campaign you need professional support with?

If you would like to discuss how Carswell Gould could help, our team of experts are keen to chat. Fill in your details below and we'll be in touch shortly.

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