Pete and Andy over half way round Tasmania

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Friends of Carswell Gould, Pete Goss MBE and Andy Warrender, are more than half way through their circumnavigation of Tasmania. 

The pair are paddling around the coast in two specially adapted kayaks and have been supported on their adventure by GORE-TEX® products. 

So far they have battled varying conditions on the water, the harshest of which sent a wave crashing down onto Andy and sending him overboard.

However, it’s not all been bruises and danger as they’ve seen some incredible wildlife, camped on some beautiful beaches and had time for a bottle of beer or two!

Why not have look where they are right now via their trackers (you can see exactly where they have been on an interactive map).

Stay up to date with their adventures on Andy's blog or Pete’s blog and keep your eyes peeled for the pair’s next adventure, which is being promoted to the national press by Carswell Gould.

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