July 1st - Arts Council Funding Announcement - UPDATED

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Ed Gould

Ed Gould

Creative director

Published Tuesday 1st July 2014

Making and shaping brands

On Tuesday 1 July 2014, the Arts Council announced details of the investment it will make in arts and culture across England over 2015-18. 

This is massive news for all Arts & Cultural organisations across the UK. 

The update: We spent some time looking at how the funding was spread across the south. Here are the points we pulled out for you…


Most of the Arts Council funding went to organisations in Southampton compared to other areas of Hampshire. This is measured in terms of volume of organisation rather than money.



The South East had an increased overall budget compared to last round of funding. The South West budget was reduced.



Investments that are over £1m seem to have been spread evenly over the region. There is a higher frequency of smaller funding awards (between £40,000 to £250,000) focused in The South East. 



£6.7 million for Hampshire and Solent full story here.



There is a trend that those organisations in Hampshire that received cuts where cut by 7%.



Southampton City Council have £923,000, an increase of 266% and plan to use it on the New Arts complex in the city.



Nuffield Theatre had an £180,000 increase. They plan to use to repairs and upgrade sound, lighting and equipment. 



The Point in Eastleigh joins the portfolio for the first time. It will use funding to improve facilities, make it a sustainable building with an enhanced facility and to increase engagement to support artists and the local community. 



The South overall has 31 groups with £37.6m worth of funding. 



As part of our review of the funding announcement we have created a spread sheet showing all the figures in detail – if you would like to receive this please request a copy from us today – call on 02380238001 or email [email protected] or use the contact form.


The original story...

You can see an overview film in the image above or on the main website which is packed with information about their decision.

For CG clients and friends in the arts, culture and heritage sector the announcement can affect the onward strategy for the next three years. For most, everything waits for this funding news. In some cases it will mean more budget resulting in planning for growth. In others it may mean less or even no funding with steps to be taken quickly to plan for new funding streams, reduction of costs and the need for new thinking and creative approaches.

We help our clients ensure they can make the most of the situation - good or bad. 

In the past CG has helped companies develop through marketing planning, finding new funding streams, creating better value marketing approaches and, in some cases, simply sticking with them through the thin times, supporting their work. Contact Ed or Gill if you want to talk about how CG can help you.

And so to the report. It seems on the surface the South West has done well compared to the South East.

The huge balance against the South generally continues to erk us at CG. We, like most, would have loved to have seen the funding spread further - taking more out of London and pumping into the rest of the UK. 

You can see exactly where the money went on this great mapping tool they created. Have a look and try to spot your organisation or area.


What do you think? You can comment below - we are always interested in your views. You can also get in contact via LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or, yes,  that's right face to face!


CG takes a keen interest in the results of the announcement and we wish all our friends in this vital sector the best of luck. Whatever the news we are here to help you make the most of the situation so please get in touch.

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