Join us at #VFS21: Festival of Innovation

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Hannah Bergman-Brown

Hannah Bergman-Brown

Published Tuesday 29th June 2021


Carswell Gould is proud to be a partner of Venturefest South and we’re very excited that its annual showcase, #VFS21: Festival of Innovation is just around the corner. 


The showcase on 21 October already has a jam-packed schedule and will be a place for the brightest minds and big thinkers to share experiences, insights and knowledge. The highly successful showcase will build on the success of the last few years and we expect a suitable spread by our entrepreneurs and crowd of innovators, investors and business people who will be joining us at The Ageas Bowl to make the most of this live event.

New to 2021, there are ‘strictly un-limited’ ‘hybrid’ tickets for those who are unable to make it on the day. You can get a snapshot of the live streamed event from the comfort of your own home, plus virtual workshops, pitches from innovators and special updates and opportunities from Carswell Gould and the other partners and sponsors. 

You can book both live and hybrid event tickets by clicking here.

Get ready for Innovation Talks

This year we will be debating, exploring and sharing ideas on some of the biggest themes affecting and driving innovation, entrepreneurship and business growth. Curated by partners of Venturefest South, the ’Innovation Talks’ stage will host three sessions throughout the day.

Session one – Creative industries driving innovation across the south.

An exploration of how the south's creative industries work with our investors to create new opportunities and drive innovation. Hosted by Sarah Duckering, in this session we will hear from a selection of hand-picked speakers that will share their experiences, opportunities and advice on the matter. The session will end with a Q&A where you can ask any questions you have and share your own ideas on the subject.

Session two – The changing face of innovation funding.

Hosted by Caroline Carter from Barclays, this expansive session will explore stories from the front line of innovation, giving delegates a unique insight into how to fund, scale and support their ideas to turn them into a business. A range of speakers will cover a variety of current funding trends. The session is a must for anyone interested in investing in new ideas as well as people looking to fund their innovation.

Session three – Sustainability, the biggest innovation opportunity.

There is no doubt that sustainability and the environment is front of mind across the world. But, how do we turn a threat into an opportunity? Our host Timo Peach, Creative Director at Momo:zo, will take delegates on a journey into the subject framing real-life opportunity, case studies and challenging your perception of sustainability. This big impact topic will inspire innovators and entrepreneurs to think pragmatically on the value of focusing your creativity and capability in the world's biggest challenges.

Battle of the Open Mic returns!

To invest or not to invest? That is the question! Open Mic is back by popular demand and we're inviting you, the south's innovators and entrepreneurs, to step up, pitch big, and impress the Open Mic audience in a bid to be chosen to win the 'Open Mic 2021' award!

The #VFS21 Festival of Innovation Awards

Recognising the best of the best, our awards are back for 2021. The best bit is, you could be a winner! The open mic pitching contest allows anyone to pitch their idea, innovation and business to an audience of peers to win the top place.Make sure you stick around for a fantastic end to the day celebrating the south’s innovation talent.

This year’s awards are:

  • Innovator of the Year
  • Early Stage Innovator
  • Award Open Mic Pitching Champion
  • Sustainable Innovation Leader

To view the full schedule, just click here. Or to book your tickets, click here.

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