How to schedule facebook posts

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Facebook has unveiled a set of new features which are likely to make life easier for marketers and owners of corporate pages.

Functionality has now been introduced allowing scheduling of posts up to six months in advance. In addition, Facebook has also allowed for delegation of specific duties to different admins with varying levels of permissions.

CG believes the new functionality will make life easier for marketers, who will be able to create status updates in advance and schedule them just as they do with tools like Hootsuite.

Five simple steps to scheduling posts

  1. Make sure you're using Facebook as the page you want to post from by clicking the down arrow at the right hand side of the blue bar at the top (eg 'Use Facebook as Carswell Gould')
  2. Choose the type of post you wish to post to your page (eg Photo or status update)
  3. Click on the clock icon in the lower left hand corner of the sharing tool
  4. Choose the future year, month, day, hour and minute that you want to post to appear
  5. Click schedule et voila!

As for the new admin roles, we have created a simple guide.

Admin roles on Facebook

  • Facebook managers have the highest level of permissions and are able to manage admin roles, view insights, edit content, add apps, create ads, respond and delete comments, create posts as the page and send messages as the page.
  • Content creators have the same permissions as Facebook managers apart from not being able to manage admin roles.
  • Moderators can respond to and delete comments, send messages, create ads and view insights.
  • Advertisers can post ads and view insights.
  • Insight analysts can only view insights.

What do you think of the new post scheduling tool? Do you have any handy tips to add? Get involved in the conversation in the comments section below.

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