If you’re a marketer using Facebook to engage with your target audience it’s likely you’ve considered running a competition to create an extra buzz around your product/service.However, with so many terms and conditions around running a competition or promotion on Facebook it can end up being a headache.
Facebook says:
You cannot ask your fans to vote for a particular post or picture that appears on your Facebook page.
You cannot select at random one of your Facebook fans to receive a prize.
You cannot use Facebook to inform someone that they have won a prize.
But there are still ways you can use Facebook when it comes to competitions and here at CG we’ve put together some handy hints and tips to keep Mr Zuckerberg happy while helping you achieve your aims.
1. Question yourself
First of all it’s important to understand why you’re running a competition. Just doing it because everyone else is, just won’t cut it! What are you hoping to achieve? You need to figure this out in order to design a competition which delivers your aims.
2. Keep it simple
Your audience wants to engage and everyone loves a competition! However if you ask them to film or record themselves standing on their heads in 25 different locations around the world, you may not get very many responses!
3. Third party apps
In order to keep Facebook happy and comply with their regulations you need to use a third party app to run your competition. CG can build these for you so get in touch if you’re in need of help.
4. T&Cs
Your competition will need its own terms and conditions and privacy policy. They need to be hosted somewhere online to keep My Zuckerberg happy and to cover you they need to indicate what you will be doing with your entrants’ private data once you’ve collected it.
5. Plan and promote
It may sound obvious but having a good promotional plan for your competition will make your life a lot easier! So before you jump in, think about your competition. Are just your fans going to be interested or does it target a particular sector? Would it be worth running a Facebook ad campaign to promote it? Is the prize big enough to entice social sharing? Need help in running your Facebook competition or planning your social engagement campaigns across all channels?
Contact Ed Gould today on 023 80 238001.
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