Have you blown out our candles yet?

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Carswell Gould has got its clients blowing hot air for all the right reasons this week as it has launched an interactive video to celebrate its forthcoming birthday. 

The integrated marketing communications agency is urging clients to ‘blow out its candles’ in the prelude to its 20th birthday next year. 

In the film the viewer is taken on a journey through Carswell Gould’s office by managing Partner, Gill Gould

They are led into the meeting room, where a cake is lit in front of the camera and a party scene is in full swing. 

Staff from the agency urge the viewer to blow out the candles on the cake and magically, after a few attempts, they are extinguished as the room fades to black. 


Carswell Gould’s creative director, Ed Gould, said: “It was important for us to practice what we preach and find a creative, experiential way of communicating our message. 

"The project allowed us to use almost all of our service lines - from video to web development and design to PR - in one go....and gave us the chance to eat lots of cake.”


Watch the video (and the outtakes) for yourself at www.blowoutourcandles.com.

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