The Good Web Guide Awards 2013 | Digital Skills UK

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Ed Gould

Ed Gould

Creative director

Published Thursday 21st November 2013

Award winning + Website design and app development

It’s not often you find yourself surrounded by the creators of the UK’s best websites but that's exactly what happened last night.

Held in London's Royal Institution on Tuesday, November 19, the reception was the culmination of The Good Web Guide Awards 2013.

Carswell Gould had been invited to as nominees after, a site we built for Go On UK, was shortlisted for these prestigious awards.

The sky-high quality of the competition ultimately proved too great. However, is still not complete and in beta, so just securing a coveted nomination is a significant success for us.The national recognition for this CG project further cements our growing reputation for quality web development of projects of UK significance.

Our web developer Phil said (despite a protruding bottom lip): “It's not all about awards but it's great to be recognised for the quality of the work we have done. is a great project to be involved with and we can't wait to continue to develop the project over the next 12 months – this is just the start."

I think he's right – we're going to keep working on this site and keep it evolving. An honour would have been fantastic but, in the meantime, the real prize is helping thousands of people engage with the vast potential of the internet for the first time.

In case you don't already know… Go On Uk Uk was founded by web pioneer Baroness Martha Lane Fox and backed by the likes of the BBC, the Post Office, TalkTalk and Lloyds Bank, to make the UK the world's most digitally skilled nation.

When Go ON UK wanted to develop a resource to help get Britain online, the digital inclusion charity turned to Carswell Gould.

Working in close partnership with Carswell Gould, Go ON UK , its partners and a team of user testers have built this online resource, full of tools and information to boost people's digital capabilities.

The major project (one third of Go On UK's delivery plan) saw Carswell Gould design and build the entire project from the ground-up. The unique resource will eventually be rolled out to benefit the whole of the UK but it is being launched in the North East, where 500,000 adults are said to lack basic online skills.

Do you need help promoting your business? Or, have a marketing campaign you need professional support with?

If you would like to discuss how Carswell Gould could help, our team of experts are keen to chat. Fill in your details below and we'll be in touch shortly.