Google's new flagship gadget, the Nexus 7 has arrived at Carswell Gould.
It's still early days (the device is yet to launch on the high street), but the web team here are all highly impressed - thanks largely to the suprisingly solid build quality, and the spookily clever personalised welcome screen shown you first power it up.
As with any popular new device, we were keen to see how our websites rendered on the Nexus 7.
The first task was to check Carswell Gould's own homepage, which thankfully worked just fine in both landscape and portrait modes. Page loading times are impressive, and interactive functionality using Javascript seems to work just as it does on the desktop version of Chrome - just as we'd hope!
The most recent websites created by Carswell Gould have featured responsive layouts, meaning the content adjusts responsively to allow the website to work optimally on a range of screen sizes.
The main reason for implementing responsive designs is that you build a website once, and it works for many devices straight away. No more 'mobile versions' should be required.
Testing the University of Southampton's Diamond Jubilee, we are pleased to report that the theory works. The images look fantastic, text fills the screen and the navigation works just as it does on our desktop computer.
Sales of tablets such as the iPad are booming. Far more people are now using iPads to browse the internet than Internet Explorer 6 (Microsoft's ancient browser that refuses to go away).
With the price of quality tablets halving (the Nexus is £159, vs the iPad at £399) this week, you can expect the number of visitors to your website from these devices to keep rising.
If you would like to discuss how Carswell Gould could help, our team of experts are keen to chat. Fill in your details below and we'll be in touch shortly.