Do you REALLY think you have a logo?

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So, do you use a logo, a logotype, or just your name typed in Arial 11pt? Differentiating yourself from the competition via good design is something that will make the difference between being remembered and being forgotten. It is vital you don't undervalue or rush the development of what is your visual announcer or calling card for life.

Carswell Gould works with a range of organisations, reviews their branding, develops logos and supports creative design guidelines to help them stay clear, consistent and memorable. As part of our ongoing commitment to help clients understand what we do, we research differentiation and ideas online. We found an excellent story that you may find interesting.

Read the story, think about it and check out some examples of real logos.

“A Logo is a graphical element that, together with its logotype (a uniquely set and arranged typeface) forms a trademark or commercial brand.”

A QUICK TEST FOR YOU A logo is a unique symbol or design that represents a company. Does your company have one? Look through the examples. Are you unique, or could a redesign boost interest in your company, raise morale and define you as an organisation? A good logo makes you stand out from the competition. Is that how you feel?

OFFER We are currently offering all recipients of ROI Says a free branding review and report (usually charged at £420) with CG's Creative Director, Ed Gould. It's a great chance to see how we approach this kind of work and make sure your brand is achieving your business objectives.

Do you need help promoting your business? Or, have a marketing campaign you need professional support with?

If you would like to discuss how Carswell Gould could help, our team of experts are keen to chat. Fill in your details below and we'll be in touch shortly.

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