You can’t explain everything in 140 characters. Content should be smart and abundant in order to extend its value, relevance and shelf life while improving SEO. Get writing!
Consumers want to be engaged. This has become increasingly difficult since the rise of social media as everything has become condensed; shortened to fit in with the ‘rules’ of social networking. But this is not enough to satisfy the consumers growing demand for compelling and interesting content. For businesses, this means that creating content is no longer enough; you must care about your content too.
From a consumer point of view, information is coming from absolutely everywhere. Increasingly on Facebook, users are starting to disengage with brands, preventing them from posting on their walls, “unliking” pages that fill up their network with irrelevant posts and only taking interest in content that is really appropriate to them. Cadmus (, a real-time service that manages the user’s stream (Twitter, FriendFeed and RSS), only displays the most relevant content to the user since the last time they logged in. Similarly, allows users to create customised Twitter newspapers containing only the information that matters to them most and Flipboard (for iPad) takes a users Facebook, Twitter and RSS feeds and puts them in an easy to read format similar to a magazine. With all these filters in place, businesses need to ensure that their content is read worthy and is not lost in the realms of irrelevant information.
From a business point of view, you must ensure that the content you are writing adds value to your company. It must be smart, enabling it to be used and reused in as many ways as possible, for example, writing a press release that can be transferred onto your website that can then be used on your social media. You must also consider the idea of content outside of the digital context. Printed leaflets and useful guides are a good way of penetrating this digital age. This will also increase the shelf life of your content as pertinent and useful information is always going to be relevant. It’s time to get content savvy.
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