Carswell Gould has shared its social media expertise with the professional body for the UK public relations industry, the CIPR (Chartered Institute of Public Relations).
Creative director, Ed Gould, was asked by the body to talk on the subject at the CIPR’s event in November.
He and CG's Laura Downton gave delegates a presentation based on their experience in running the multi award-winning campaign for the GORE-TEX® Arctic Challenge and showed how social media played a key part in the campaign reaching more than 18 million people worldwide.
Ed and Laura equipped the delegates with the tools and tactics to create a wider reach for their social media and PR campaigns, no matter what the budget.
Ed said: “It was an honour to be asked by our industry body to give our expertise on social media. It proves once again that we are leading in this area and involved in shaping its direction going forward.”
It is not the first time CG has been recognised by the CIPR. It has CIPR PRide awards for its media relations, integrated campaigns, consumer campaigns, social media, measurement and evaluation.
Read a case study on CG’s award-winning GORE-TEX® Arctic Challenge campaign or contact Ed Gould on 023 80 238001 to find out how CG can help you engage with your audience through social media.
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