CG Produces Annual Report for the Winchester Churches Nightshelter

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Carswell Gould has chosen to donate money to Winchester Churches Nightshelter this year after hearing about the fantastic work it does.

Every year, CG sends an ecard to clients rather than posting a physical card and donates the money to a good and worthy cause.

This year it’s donating to Winchester Churches Nightshelter, having created the night-shelter’s annual report earlier this year.

By creating the annual report and flipbook CG helped towards raising the nightshelter’s profile and highlighting its services and needs. This information is used when seeking investors and encourages people to make a pledge.

Whilst producing annual report and flipbook, CG learnt that the Christmas period is always a very poignant time of year for the night-shelter guests.

WCNS is open 365 nights of the year and offers an essential lifeline where basic needs of shelter, food, and hygiene can be met. It also offers other vital help in easing loneliness, providing a secure support network to address problems, and a start to being included in society and ‘feeling more human’ again.

Michele Price, Project Manager said: “We are finding a number of ‘professionals’ coming to our door having lost their job, their relationship suffers and as consequence and often they are forced to leave their family home. With job losses and further government cuts, numbers are guaranteed to increase, at the same time the supply of accessible, affordable housing reduces. Demands for bedspace will certainly not diminish in the near future.”

Keep your eyes peeled for CG’s Christmas ecard coming soon...

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