CG ensures Acando gets the best treatment with medical-themed exhibition stand.

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CG has helped one of its clients make a splash at one of its industry’s biggest events through the clever use of design.

Acando had taken exhibition space at Project Challenge, which gathers over 1,000 business professionals involved in project management at London Olympia.

Acando, one of the UK’s leading project management consultancies, tasked CG with helping it make the most of its investment in the show and create a buzz by designing and developing an exciting stand.

CG hit the brief by creating a medical-themed Apothecary stand that replicated a doctor’s surgery. It tied into Acando’s overall theme for the show, which was the idea of a pop up project surgery where visitors could meet ‘Dr Acando’ and get a personal diagnosis and help with their failing projects.

CG’s design team tied into the theme by creating a 3D stand that looked like a surgery, while cleverly incorporating Acando’s key messages into elements such as books and wall charts.

The stand was a hit with visitors to Project Challenge and Acando is following up with a number of potential clients it met at the event.

To watch Acando in action follow this link.

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