Kashima Antlers, the highly talented five a side football team sponsored by Carswell Gould, has yet again taken ball skills to a whole new level. Eastleigh Football Club's Champion's League was treated to a landmark match that had spectators biting their nails till the very last second. The side, who's season ended with last night's game against AFC Garmin, worked hard throughout and thoroughly deserved the end result.
The game started well from the out-set, with no warm up for our golden shirted heroes and blind panic as the first goal shot into the back of the net. From thereon in a series of tactical errors, mainly due to general lack of skill, talent and ability resulted in a half time deficit that would make Rooney's eyes water.
After a stern team talk at half time consisting of comments like “Come on you Antlers, heads up!” the Antlers took to the pitch with a new passion. Flashes of brilliance came in the form of some great stops from the cat (little Miller) in goal, some nice technical fouls from “Socrates Boris Johnson Gouldo” on an over-confident Lewis Figo wanna be, great passes to the ref from Tingsy and, to top it off, the finest dummy ever seen by “BIG Miller Ham Hands”.
“David William the Conqueror Whitehouse” was missed in defence but a special mention must be made for the passion and effort from “Andy BLOCKER Clayton”, “Nick Zoolander Dabizas” (future captain??), and - “Paul don't point that camera at me Bolwell”.
In the end, however, the mighty Antlers could not subdue the focused and well practised AFC Garmin who pipped the Antlers at the post with a tight 10 - 1 victory. The Champions League will be so much worse off without the Antlers who will sadly be leaving via the back door to compete in Division One.
When asked to comment on the defeat sponsor Carswell Gould MD Gill Gould said, “Let's hope the new kit will imbue the team with higher standards and that we will be back in the Champions League soon. Watch this space!”
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