Acts of Random Kindness (ARK)

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Surprise gifts and freebies are effective ways of engaging potential consumers. This human touch increases sales and loyalty while giving something back. Generation G(enerosity) is taking over.

Innovators in this growing trend are The Kindness Offensive whose aim is “to have fun, be kind and inspire as many people as possible to do the same.” They undertake a various scale of Random Acts of Kindness in association with volunteers, companies and charities in an attempt to make the world a better place. You can join The Kindness Offensive by searching online.

Brands are now following suit and starting to put their money where their heart is and surprising their customers with gifts and encouraging them to do something nice for other people. PepsiCo have recently introduced a ‘Social Vending Machine’ offering consumers the option of giving a drink to a friend which can be redeemed at participating machines with an SMS code. Japanese brand Giftee and German company frinXX also give users an opportunity to do something nice for someone else.

With the current economic climate the way it is, more social responsibility is being placed on businesses. Presently, any brand, or even individual, perceived to be doing well will be expected to participate in Generation G. Due to changes in consumer power and the importance of social responsibility, businesses will have no excuse not to contribute and greater transparency means the public are more aware of what is going on behind closed doors. 

But, the most important cog in the Generation G machine is society as a whole becoming more generous. Consumers have a new found need to feel loved and appreciated as well as being part of the greater good. Times have moved on from obtaining gratification from consumption, and now consumers are achieving the same satisfaction and social status from their kindness and thoughtful gestures.

So it’s time to start thinking of others to see what you can do for them, and get out of the mindset of what they can do for you. Generosity is in, and greed is well and truly out. Be nice and talk to us today about how you can profit from doing the right thing.

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