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Here’s to the women

Navigating a change in sponsor for an internationally-renowned event is a tricky business. A new brand needs to be instilled over every aspect of marketing quickly and efficiently.

So when telecoms giant Orange ended its sponsorship of the Orange Prize for Fiction and the award's organisers needed a solution for their website, they came to us.

Not many agencies can say they’ve had projects kick-started by a recommendation from Lastminute.com founder and web pioneer Baroness Martha Lane Fox but that’s exactly how we embarked on this mission for Baileys and the Women’s Prize for Fiction.

We rebuilt the prize site for the new sponsors, created email marketing and social media campaign tie-ins and helped write copy for the new site.

It was a huge project. The Baileys Women’s Prize for Ficiton is world-famous so the site needed to be able to handle the pressure of international spotlight, particularly during peak times when the longlist, shortlist and winner were announced.

Our web development team, the best on the south coast, devised an ingenious system of caching servers to enable the site to handle intense peaks of demand.

At the same time we delivered ongoing communications tools, allowing Baileys, Diageo and prize organisers to speak to their worldwide audience.

It's quite the story - non-fiction, naturally.

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