With so many products and services on offer, and so many combinations of fuel and technology available, it was easy for customers to get confused and miss opportunities to find the most efficient way of keeping their businesses fuelled. With this in mind, WP Group needed a way of presenting all the options in a logical and user friendly way to its customers and prospects through its website.
Our approach was to make the customer journey on WP Group’s website more customer led. We achieved this by developing a solution that drew inspiration from the periodic table, which displayed all of WP Group’s products and services as small, individual coloured cards.
Each colour represented a specific product type: Red for standard fuel products; Green for sustainable fuel solutions; Blue for WP’s fuel management services.
The cards could be auto-filtered through users answering just two simple questions:
Presented only with the relevant cards to their business, users could interact with the cards to open a slideout tray which contained more information about the products that interested them.
Their selections also presented links to other relevant pages on the website, should they wish to read something more in depth about what they had chosen.
Users also had the freedom to add, drag and drop the cards into a virtual basket before clicking submit to continue.
With their ‘shopping list’ of cards created, users were presented with a summary of the solutions package they had generated through the website. They also received a summary email with similar information.
The instant they clicked to confirm their submission, it was stored in the website’s database and sent to the WP Group marketing team to follow up.
To further enhance the tailored feel of the tool, URL parameters were utilised in conjunction with various banners and CTAs across the entire website.
This allowed users to be directed towards the solutions selector, with the various options already pre-filtered based on what pages they had previously visited.
It meant users coming from the construction sector page would automatically see all the products/services targeted towards construction.
The first task was to design the look and feel of the widget. It was vital that it appeared clean and simple and felt effortless to use.
Once this was agreed with the client we then began the task of its development. With the beta version complete, the next step was for us to test its functionality rigorously to ensure it was fit for purpose.
The true test was to ensure it was useful to someone arriving at the site with very little understanding of what solutions and services were appropriate for their given sector.
With the testing complete and the final tweaks made, it was finally ready to add to the website and signpost to visitors using an eye-catching web banner on the homepage.
WP Group was delighted with the solutions selector and how it functioned on the website and made it easier than ever for its customers to find the right fuel solutions for their business.
Moreover, it has equipped the WP Group’s sales team with a useful way of talking through the range of solutions available to prospective customers, creating more opportunities for dialogue around cross selling and upselling.