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Creating a new brand to empower global leaders

It’s not often that we get the chance to work with our clients on a project that could truly change the world and improve millions of lives for the better, but this is exactly Leadership4SDGs’ core mission. Leadership4SDGs is helping governments and their individual ministers to strengthen their overall governance, and develop knowledge and skills for an improved leadership.

Its aim is to help nations, quickly and efficiently, achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 goals that would rid the world of poverty and hunger, increase peace, security and justice, and significantly reduce the worst effects of climate change within 15 years.


Leadership4SDGs is targeting newly-named ministers, including those who have been in office a while and still have a significant time ahead of them, and guiding them to achieve the goals that citizens around the world deserve.


The team at Carswell Gould has been working closely with Leadership4SDGs from its conception to create a clear and compelling brand identity and core set of messaging for the organisation. We’ve also developed a website, which acts as a call to action for governments and investors to get onboard with the organisation’s mission and support it to work with the leaders who most need its support.

The website was launched in time for the 2019 World Government Summit in Dubai, where Simone Filipini, President of Leadership4SDGs, presented to an audience of senior government officials from around the globe.


The organisation has the support of Helen Clark, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and it continues to gain support and momentum from individuals and organisations who are looking to find the most effective way to deliver the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

We are excited to continue to work with the organisation, as it moves into its next phase, and to develop its offer alongside global organisations such as PWC and McKinsey.


Watch this space to see how the Leadership4SDGs programme develops.


Core Team